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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Adventures in Cambodia: The Temples of the Angkor Archaeological Park

Did I ever mention the reason we planned this trip to Cambodia and Vietnam???  We (my friends, Leisy and Melissa, and I) got it into our head to run the Angkor Wat half marathon, and we decided that that was a great reason to go and make a trip out of it!  Peter and Leisy's husband, Kent, got on board to running with us and Melissa's husband, Brady offered to watch the kids, so, with the race planned, we decided to go for it, and to add Vietnam to our itinerary as well!

Anyway, we arrived in Cambodia a couple of days before the race, which gave us time to sight-see and get thoroughly dehydrated before the race!  But, really, I ended up being pretty dehydrated during the race, but we'll get to that in another post :)  We spent a full (and very, very hot and sweaty) day exploring the temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park.  We arranged for some drivers to take us around for the day in their tuk tuks, which was really fun and a very authentic way to travel through the area.

Okay, be prepared for a lot of pictures!!!

Bantay Cray:

Ta Prohm:

Popsicles and lunch break!  I think that this meal, served at a make-shift restaurant in the park, was the best food we had the whole time we were in Cambodia, which is saying a lot since it was all delicious!  I had no idea how tasty Cambodian food is!

Bayon (Angkor Thom):

 Preah Khan:

Angkor Wat:

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