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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Adventures in Cambodia: More Temples, Hiking, and the Land Mine Museum

More sightseeing in Cambodia!  Day 2 brought 2 more temples!  The first was Prea Rup:

Next, we visited Banteay Sray:

After the temples, we grabbed lunch, and then, as if we hadn't been walking enough over the past 2 days, and hadn't sweat out every ounce of our body water, we decided to go on a 2.5 hour hike!  What were we thinking, especially the day before our race???  We weren't thinking apparently!  

We thought it would all be worth it once we got to the waterfall at the top.  Except that it ended up being this:  

SERIOUSLY!  We were all dying.  But, then, we started walking back DOWN alongside the river and we found this:

Much better!  Then everyone cooled off :)

From the hike, we then headed over to the Land Mine Museum.   It was really sobering to read about Cambodia's history and the US (among many other countries) involvement in such horrific events.  I hope that visits to places like this help my family understand the importance of being responsible world citizens and loving human beings.  

And back to our tuk tuk.  I think one of my favorite parts of this trip was just having a chance to ride on the tuk tuk through the fields and villages.  Cambodia is so beautiful and it was fascinating to see the country this way!  The photos are a bit blurry, since we were moving, but I don't want to forget this amazing place!

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