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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Christmas 2015

Christmas . . . was almost 3 months ago!  Hahaha!  I am so behind in my blogging, but I just couldn't not post about Christmas!  We had a great Christmas season, going to ugly sweater parties, visiting Santa, and seeing Christmas lights.

On Christmas Eve, we went out for shabu shabu, and then we came back home to put on Christmas jammies, read Luke 2 together, set out cookies and milk for Santa, and the kids each got to open one present.  Our kids are at such fun and excitable ages right now--it makes Christmas so magical!

We woke up early Christmas morning and the kids anxiously waited to go downstairs to see what Santa had brought!

We spent the morning opening presents and playing with all of our new toys, and then later we went to dinner at Hamazushi and to ride the rides and see the Christmas lights at Seibuen Amusement Park!

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