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Monday, April 6, 2015

Thailand and Singapore Trip: Chinese New Year and Gardens by the Bay in Singapore

After five days in Thailand, we flew back to Singapore to catch our hop back to Japan the next day.  The day we flew in was the day before Chinese New Year, so Singapore was buzzing with people and celebrations.  Since we were staying the night there, we decided to make the most of it and check out the crowds and craziness of Chinatown!  So, we strapped on our kids (or 2 out of 3 of them anyway; Will had to walk :)) and went shopping and strolling through the streets!

We had a lot of fun and bought a few little souvenirs (including that giant dragon Will's holding in the picture above!) and then called it a night.  Little did we know that that wouldn't be our only night in Singapore!  The next morning, after waking the kids up super early to make it to the air force base, we found out that our plane had broken down at some super-secret base somewhere and so we'd have to wait for it to get fixed and back to Singapore . . . 3 days later.  So, we hurried and booked ourselves a hotel (we stayed at the Park Royal on Beach Road which was fantastic), and started planning our activities for our unexpected stay in Singapore!

First up on the list for us was Gardens by the Bay.  While they have a ton to offer, we went specifically to see the Chinese New Year's decorations and to let the kids cool off and play at the splash pad.  

Then, since that day was the ACTUAL Chinese New Year, we loaded the kids up, and 3 families (out of the 4 of us that were all traveling together) went out to navigate the streets of Chinatown!  It was INSANE.  So crowded and so crazy.  But we ate delicious Chinese food for dinner and had the most incredible mango shaved ice cream thing for dessert!  We bought more souvenirs and had a blast experiencing the craziness of it all!

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