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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monsters University Window Silhouettes

Last year, sometime around Halloween I pinned this picture:

The source says it's from, but I couldn't get in to that site and don't have another source. Does anyone know where it came from? 

Since we never got around to making any of our own window monsters last year, I thought we should give it a try this year. So, about a month ago I bought some black poster board, but since then, it has just sat on our living room floor. UNTIL . . . this last Sunday when all of a sudden my husband was motivated to make some monsters! He's a good dad. And William was thrilled to say the least. 

The two of them decided to make monsters from Monsters University, so Peter pulled up some images on his computer and started freehand-drawing Terry and Terri, Art, Mike, and Sully. After he sketched them onto the paper, he just cut them out. It's probably a good thing that Peter took charge of this project, since I don't have any artistic/drawing skills whatsoever. And he did an awesome job.

Here's a picture of the cut-outs with Will's little Monsters U guys on top of them :)

A shot from inside the house:

It's so cute, every time Will walks by the windows he says, "Mom, it's like we have Monsters U in our house!" He LOVES them.

And here they are from the outside looking in!

Between these guys and our spooky wreath, our house is starting to feel like it's time for Halloween!


  1. Awesomeness in your window. I'm so impressed that Peter is motivated to craft!

  2. “Monsters U in our house!" – Awesome. I love Monster U! I wish I have your skills with the scissor so I can have Mike Wazowski and James Sullivan’s silhouette peeking from my window. What about for Christmas? What will be the additional window treatments? Roxie @
