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Sunday, September 22, 2013

DIY Spooooky Wreath

With Halloween only 39 days away (can you tell we're excited in our house???), William and I decided it was time to start decorating!!! For the last couple of years, our Halloween wreath has been a ninja yarn wreath that I had made for Will's first birthday. While cute, and Halloween-looking enough (it was black . . . ), I decided that it was time for us to pull out the big guns and make an actual, spooky Halloween wreath. And with a little help from Hobby Lobby, the dollar store, and Will, I think it turned out great! Here's what we did . . .

We bought a wood wreath from Hobby Lobby (don't forget to print out your 40% off coupon before you go!). I couldn't find an image of this particular one online, but it was a little pricier than the grapevine wreaths, which are only about $4.99. They would have worked fine, but I liked the look of this one and the fact that it didn't have dried leaves stuck to its branches still like the grapevine ones.  Anyway . . . we bought our wreath, brought it home and spray painted it black! I used a glossy finish, but whatever you have on hand would be just fine.

After letting the paint dry, we got to glueing. I realized afterwards that I forgot to take pictures of the supplies that we used before I glued them onto the wreath, so I'll do my best to show you the details. First I made a big loopy bow out of some black mesh ribbon that I found at Hobby Lobby.

After attaching it to the wreath with some floral wire and glue for good measure, I glued the black crow right above/behind it. I bought the crow from the dollar store (they have the best Halloween decorations that you will think look so tacky, but end up working perfectly!!!).

We also bought a couple of packages of large black spiders, and a package of assorted plastic creepy crawlies from the dollar store. So, after placing everything where I wanted it, I just glued it all down!

I was planning on using my hot glue gun for this project, but since I had some E6000 glue in black on hand, I decided to use that and it worked really well. The only downside is that it takes quite a bit longer to dry than hot glue, but with it being black, and such strong glue I thought it was worth it.

Now go get your spooky on! Happy Halloween crafting!


  1. This is so awesome. How did you make the bow?

    1. whitney, i just made loops with the ribbon and cinched them together at the bottom. with some ribbons, they have wired in them, so cinching and twisting would make the loops stay in a bow shape. since my ribbon didn't have the wire in it, i held it all together as i was making the loops, and then i used floral wire (or string would have even worked) and wrapped it around the bottom so that the bow would stay together. i also added a little glue to the bottom so that the loops wouldn't come out.
