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Friday, July 12, 2013

Easy Headwrap Tutorial

There are probably a million tutorials online for this already, but I whipped this little headwrap up for my cute Clara today, and I thought I'd share! It seriously took me 20 minutes. Would've been less had my subject matter sat still while I was trying to measure her head :)

Anyone can do this! Grab a stretchy knit fabric, or even an old t-shirt that you don't mind cutting up, some scissors, pins, and your sewing machine and you're ready to go!

Start by cutting two strips of fabric the same length. They should be long enough to wrap around your child's head (or your head if you're making this for yourself/an adult). My pieces were approximately 2.5 inches wide, which I liked for my little 1 year old, but if I were to make this for myself I would probably cut my pieces about 4 inches wide. 

Cross one strip over the other and bring each strips' ends together (the following picture shows the first piece's ends being brought together).

Pin both sides and sew them closed. When sewing with knits, especially this project where the band will be stretched around the head, you want to be sure to use a zigzag stitch so that it will stretch with the fabric. 

Once each end is sewed closed, overlap the two edges and sew the band into a circle and you're done!

And . . . check back soon for a tutorial on the matching toddler pencil skirt with yoga band! As you can see, Clara was pretty excited about it and you should be too :)


  1. I love it and Clara looks so stylish.

  2. Oh my goodness! Is she 16 already?! She is such a cutie pie. That skirt is way cute...I want to make myself one!

  3. So so cute Em! Glad you finally made one. I knew they were simple but even more simple with your sewing skills! Clara looks adorable!
