The puppets could easily be recreated for an easy craft at home. The whale body was cut out of a paper plate, with two small fins and a mouth also cut out of the plate. He painted them and we glued the pieces onto the body, along with a bent pipe cleaner for the water shooting out, a pair of googly eyes, and a popsicle stick. Super easy and quick--just the kinds of crafts I prefer to do with my kids!
After we left Lakeshore, we headed straight over to our local library where they were putting on a puppet show from the book Green Eggs and Ham adapted to be between a pig and an elephant. It was so cute! I was seriously impressed. Mostly because that book gets pretty repetitive and tricky just reading it, so watching it done as a small puppet show was really impressive and so cute. Afterwards, the kids got to decorate their own green colored sugar cookies.
Overall, a fun day. Especially considering it was 97 degrees outside and the fact that I wasn't too amped about doing any outdoorsy activities. Make sure to check out the crafts at Lakeshore Learning Store this summer, as well as any fun activities your local library may be putting on!
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Cute whale puppet! I'm way impressed with your library's puppet show. Sounds like it was a blast.